Understand who you are designed to be.
We all have a unique blueprint. What's yours?

My name is Nicole Crosbie, & of the many roles I step into daily, one of them is a Human Design Practitioner.
What is Human Design?
Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that sheds light on a persons energetic makeup, as well as specific tools they can use to live at their happiest, healthiest, & highest potential.
My mission is to empower you to live as your wild and fully expressed self, not the diluted version of you that you think is more palatable to the world.
& I do this through the lens of Human Design.
I give you a language for the things you know deep down to be true about yourself but never really believed.
In my sessions I want to liberate you, and free you, giving you the ultimate permission to build your life in ways that feel good for your body and mind.
Because Human Design returns us to who we are at our core, before the world got to us.
I'm passionate about living as closely to our raw selves and the natural earth as we can. Living by our unique makeup and offering it to the world unapologetically.
It's important to me to honor our cyclical processes as both humans and energy beings.
A core value of mine is maintaining a deep respect for how different we all are, that we have to operate in ways that support those differences. That's truly where we step into our unique potential. But when we try to be all the things we're not, it's difficult to step into that potential. And experience the things we have the capacity to.
I offer you a deeply digestable language to translate your Human Design Chart into real life. Casting a spell of self compassion as we weave your chart together to reveal your glorious self and all your facets.
This is the path home. This is how we rewild and detach from the conditioning of the world. Own it, embody it, live it, and express yourself fully and unapologetically.
Access your FREE Human Design Chart to unveil who you are at your core.

“Nicole is a brilliant Human Design Guide. Her readings are informative, wise and down to earth. She has a vast knowledge, clearly communicates and listens very deeply. HD can be initially overwhelming - with so much information, but Nicole's superpower is making the complex simple and real. I always come away from her sessions with great wisdom and direction. It’s been a game changer for me.”